February 22-25, 2024
For Sale / Rent Board Submission
Do you have a cottage or lakefront home you are looking to sell or rent out? Place a listing on our For Sale or Rent Board at the show to get the word out!
Attendees: The purchase of an adult admission ticket ($12 value) to the show allows you 1 complimentary listing on the board. Fill out the form below to submit your complimentary listing. To submit additional listings ($10 per additional) please fill out the form below and pay by clicking the button below. Please write “For Sale/Rent Board Attendee” in the Notes/Instructions Line.
Exhibitors: If you have a booth in the show, you are allowed 5 complimentary listings on the board, and may purchase additional listings. Please fill out the form below one time for each of your complimentary listings. If you would like to list more than your complimentary 5 listings, please fill out the form below and pay ($10 per additional) by clicking the button below. Please write “For Sale/Rent Board Exhibitor” in the Notes/Instructions Line.
Non-Attendees: If you are not planning to attend the show, but still want to list your property, you may fill out the form and purchase a listing. Listings will not be posted until payment is received by clicking the button below. Please write “For Sale/Rent Board Non-Attendee” in the Notes/Instructions Line.
*Submissions close on February 23, 2023 at 11:59pm.
Our apologies! Submissions for the 2023 Detroit Cottage and Lakefront Living Show For Sale or Rent Board closed at 11:59 PM on February 23, 2023. Check out the submissions at the Show and keep an eye out to submit your listing next year!